
We have moved our domain to .africa

We have moved our domain to .africa

We have moved our domain to .africa

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Since time immemorial, Africa has led and contributed to the advancement of knowledge globally. From the great pyramids in Giza, Egypt that made use of local's expertise in mathematics and geometry, to the Sankore Masjid/Madrasah/University of Sankore, in Timbuktu, Mali, one of the world’s first teaching institution that trained scholars from across the globe. The Ishango bone in Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa portrays a mathematical system evidence of the existence of science on the continent in the prehistoric era. The Great Zimbabwe ruins speak to urban architecture in southern part of Africa not forgetting archaeological discoveries of human origins across Kenya in Eastern Africa.

Even today, the continent continues to accelerate sRead more ...cience, technology and innovation.

As a pan-African organisation, the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is committed to showcasing some of the excellent science conducted on the continent. As such the Academy is introducing its newly revamped website. The new website comes with a change in the domain, a move from to .africa reflecting Africa's contribution to advancing science. Visit our website to learn more about the AAS and to enjoy the transformative stories of how scientists are contributing to transforming the lives of Africans through science.

This strategic move will consequently impact all AAS e-mail services, primary domain and sub-domain products that will also be migrated to the .africa domain. Our digital properties deployed as sub-domains – The AAS Events Portal and Fellows Portal – will now be accessible via and respectively.