
Four early career African scientists selected to meet Nobel Laureates

Four early career African scientists selected to meet Nobel Laureates

12th October, 2022

Four early career African scientists selected to meet Nobel Laureates

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Four early career African scientists will join 600 outstanding undergraduate, PhD and postdoctoral students from across the globe to attend the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, which is this year dedicated to physics.   The African Academy of Sciences nominated the four to attend the prestigious meeting in Lindau, Germany, from 30 June to 5 July 2019 after a rigorous and multi-stage review process.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings take place every year to provide a forum for the nominees to engage with Nobel Laureates about current developments and future challenges in their field.  As an official partner of the Lindau Foundation, The AAS is invited to nominate young scientists every year.

The four, who are from Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tunisia, will join other early career scientists from 88 countries across the globe to discuss laser physics, dark matter and gravitational waves and have an opportunity to meet the about 42 Nobel Laureates participating including the 2018 laureates in physics, Donna Strickland and Gérard Mourou. Read more ....