
Celebrating the life and contribution of Professor Barthelemy Nyasse

Celebrating the life and contribution of Professor Barthelemy Nyasse

The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is deeply saddened to have heard of the death of Professor Barthelemy Nyasse, an AAS Fellow and member of the AAS Governing Council. He passed away on 22 May 2023.

Professor Nyasse specialised in Organic Chemistry and was interested in Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products Chemistry. He had over 30 years of experience teaching Organic Chemistry in African and European universities.

He authored many publications dealing with pure synthetic chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Intellectual Property. The results from these publications have contributed to the formulation of local drugs such as Hepasor, Camzin and in the protection of some plants species that otherwise would have been destroyed. 

Professor Nyasse was elected as an AAS Fellow in 2013 and dedicated the last five years 2017-2022 serving as the Secretary General to the AAS, where he was tasked with overseeing elections and induction of new fellows, carrying out all correspondence on behalf of the AAS General Assembly (GA), convening the GA meetings and promoting and maintaining good relations between the Academy and other international national academies, governments, international organisations and relevant institutions.

He confidently guided the AAS through various meaningful developments and was an ardent supporter of good governance. His strong principles and aspirations are reflected in the practices of the AAS in not only building a better Africa but also a better world.

Professor Nyasse was also a member of numerous scientific bodies. He served as a Scientific Adviser to International Foundation for Science (IFS), Scientific Adviser to WHO/TDR & ANDI (African Network for Drug & Diagnostics Innovation), Focal point of GIBEX (Global Institute for BioExploration), Lead Trainer of Trainers of AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research and Development), Consultant to WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and OAPI (Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle). He was also member of the Adviser committee of PRD College (Poverty Related Diseases) and Global Health Systems; a member of the American Chemical Society; and a member of the European Peptide Society.

The AAS remembers him for his contribution to the growth of the Academy. We continue to mourn this great loss and express our deepest condolences to his family.

The Africa Academy of Sciences
Communications Team