Call for long-term Africa-EU STI cooperation framework
Universities and research organisations across Africa and Europe have called for a new science, technology and innovation (STI) framework for cooperation between the two continents to drive sustainable development. They say it should be grounded in academic excellence, sustainability, capacity-building and scalability.
Towards that objective, dozens of leading universities and research institutions jointly with a plethora of regional and global university and research networks on 1 June issued a call for action for the establishment of an integrated Africa-EU Science, Technology and Innovation Programme for the period running between 2023 and 2027 by the African Union and the European Union, in alliance with African and European countries.
The appeal was made ahead of the meeting of the African Union and European Union partnership that will be attended by research ministers on June 13 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
It stresses the need to strengthen African research systems by supporting excellent African researchers, AU-EU centres of excellence, and research and innovation infrastructures.
“Today, Africa and Europe have a unique opportunity to lead the way on rethinking how science can support sustainable development at local and international levels,” the text says.