Sereme Paco

Sereme Paco was elected as an AAS Fellow in 2017. As a fellow, Sereme Paco contributes to the development of the Academy’s strategic direction through participation in AAS activities and governance structures. . This gears the Academys vision of transforming african lives through science.

Burkina Faso
Year elected
Agricultural & Nutritional Sciences
Prof. Paco Sereme is a Research Director in plant pathology and President of the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Burkina Faso (ANSAL-BF). He obtained a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Niamey, Niger, a Doctorate in Engineering in plant pathology from the University of Rennes I, France and a Ph.D. in plant pathology from the University of Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire. With this strong foundation, he embarked on a career dedicated to studying the bio-ecology of the key pathogens affecting food crops in Burkina Faso and developing integrated management strategies for their control. Prof. Sereme’s leadership experience includes serving as the Director General of Burkina Faso's National Agricultural Research Institute (INERA) for eight years and as the Executive Director of the West and Central African Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) for a decade. Throughout his tenure, he actively participated in agricultural research reforms aimed at transforming the sector in West and Central Africa. Under his guidance and leadership, CORAF successfully implemented its strategic vision from 2007 to 2016, strengthening its position as a leading institution for agricultural research and cooperation in the region. His proven leadership in scientific research, management and governance led him to be a member of several scientific councils and institutions in Africa and Europe as well as the Governing Boards of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers. He also served as the Chair of the Board for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), showcasing his ability to provide effective governance to renowned scientific organizations. Driven by the conviction that science plays a crucial role in African development, Prof. Sereme co-founded the National Academy of Sciences of Burkina Faso in 2013, assuming the position of President since 2019. He received recognitions from several countries and has also received award recognitions from several international institutions.