Eloff Jacobus Nicolaas
Eloff Jacobus Nicolaas was elected as an AAS Fellow in 2018. As a fellow, Eloff Jacobus Nicolaas contributes to the development of the Academy’s strategic direction through participation in AAS activities and governance structures. . This gears the Academys vision of transforming african lives through science.
Prof. JN (Kobus) Eloff is the founder of the interdisciplinary Phytomedicine Programme, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria concentrating on using plants selected by focused screening and ethnoveterinary knowledge, to treat infections/infestations by microorganisms and parasites on production animals. Was Executive Director National Botanic Gardens and Research Director National Botanical Institute. Professor Universities of Free State, Cape Town and Pretoria. Supervised 48 MSc and 49 PhD students that have completed their studies. Editor SA Journal of Botany, SA Journal for Science and Technology, International Journal for Phytomedicine, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Invited to review manuscripts for 309 different scientific journals. Did not accept invitation to join Editorial Board of 74 different scientific journals More than 220 (> 91 invited/plenary/keynote) international presentations > 308 peer evaluated scientific publications > 10800 citations, h factor 50 with 179 publications cited at least 10 times. Managed project leading to African Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Several patents registered and products licensed to Industrial Companies based on group’s research. B-category (internationally acclaimed researcher) evaluation by NRF. Leadership role several national and international professional societies. Elected member of Italian Academy of Sciences Bologna Institute established in 1690 with Nobel prize winners like Marie Curie and Albert Einstein as former members. Elected mmber of African Academy of Sciences. Awarded International Horticultural Society Bronze medal, SA Association of Botanists Silver and Gold medal and honorary Life Membership, SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Havenga medal, Gold medal and MT Steyn Prize, National Science and Technology Forum Eskom Prize for capacity development and Academy for Science of South Africa (ASSAf) Gold medal. Profile included in book of ASSAf entitled “Legends of South African Science” with 52 other scientists from natural and social sciences